“A Passionate Artist with a Keen Eye”
Photo by Kathryn Feeney
Hi there! Thanks for taking a look at my work. You know what they say… If you love what you do, it’s hard to call it work!
I’ve been fortunate to feel that way for most of my working career. My training includes classes at School of Visual Arts and at Fashion Institute of Technology, I received my degree along with the highest illustration award. At the time, art and design was taught the traditional way. Later on, when I added computer graphic skills, I began building a photography portfolio. Now, my Canon 5D Mark II is another tool in my tool box, as are my Wacom Cintiq Tablet and Photoshop.
Here are some things you might like to know about me… I love singing show-tunes, drinking iced mochas, riding bikes and skiing cross-country (not downhill – too cold!). I’m a history buff and a perfectionist with a messy desk. Overly empathetic, I try not to freak out about global warming.
Although I’ve traveled the world and been inspired by many beautiful locations, I’m a life-long resident of the Lower Hudson Valley. The river and its beauty hold me here.
I’m just as passionate about creating children’s books as I am about taking photos. I am most proud of my collaborations with award-winning singer/songwriter Christine Lavin. When illustrating her imaginative songs, our goal has been to encourage students to pursue a career in science. Along the way, Amoeba Hop garnered a “Best Books” award from the American Association for the Advancement of Science and Hole in the Bottom of the Sea earned an awesome Kirkus review: “If the fate of the planet is in the hands of our children, reading them books like this one might be a wise idea”.
My latest book is also science-based and I believe the timing could not be better. While we are all affected by an unseen virus, Jewels of the Sea…The hunt for floating treasure will introduce children to the breathtaking and extremely important microscopic plant-like organism, the diatom. As tiny as they are mighty, diatoms make life on earth possible.
I would love to talk with you about photography or illustration, or both. Just click on the CONTACT button – I look forward to hearing from you!
Photo by Kathryn Feeney